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Event Series Event Series: Women’s Bible Study

Bible Basics starts Tuesday, October 1st!

Have you ever wanted to get more out of God’s Word? Then join us for Bible Basics! You’ll get an understanding of the structure of the Bible organized by 12 eras from Genesis to Revelation, the main people of each era, and the geography and storyline of each. Plus, you’ll learn the 10 doctrines of the Christian faith, why there are various translations, and different literary forms used by writers. Bible Basics is for beginners and experienced learners. All will be able to use this material as a foundation for complete understanding as they study in the years ahead.

Morning sessions will be at 9am in the Family Life Center. Evening sessions will be at 7pm in the South Lobby Classroom. Cost is $5. Sign up by September 24th.

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Bible Basics starts Tuesday, October 1st!

Have you ever wanted to get more out of God’s Word? Then join us for Bible Basics! You’ll get an understanding of the structure of the Bible organized by 12 eras from Genesis to Revelation, the main people of each era, and the geography and storyline of each. Plus, you’ll learn the 10 doctrines of the Christian faith, why there are various translations, and different literary forms used by writers. Bible Basics is for beginners and experienced learners. All will be able to use this material as a foundation for complete understanding as they study in the years ahead.

Morning sessions will be at 9am in the Family Life Center. Evening sessions will be at 7pm in the South Lobby Classroom. Cost is $5. Sign up by September 24th.

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