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How to Create or Update Your Will, Trust and Other Vital Documents

When: Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 12:15pm

Where: South Lobby Classroom

What: THE ULTIMATE FAMILY PLAN – How to Create or Update Your Will, Trust and Other Vital Legal Documents

If we learned anything from “Pandemic Life,” we learned that things could change quickly – very quickly. When change comes – having thought through our plans for who will help us, and how to efficiently pass assets to our family and ministries will be a tremendous advantage. The Ultimate Family Plan workshop, led by our planning strategist, David Duncan, can help.

Every adult needs a “Family Plan” based upon Biblical truth and practical, actionable information. If you do not have a Will or Trust – at the workshop, you’ll learn how to create these critical documents. If you do have documents in place – you’ll learn how a review can assure it still fits your family’s current needs.

At the workshop you will also learn how to receive a no-cost, no-obligation personal consultation regarding your planning needs.

Who Should Attend:

· Single Adults – Yes, you need a plan for several crucial reasons – come learn what they are.

· Couples with No Children – Marriage brings the need for specific planning strategies – have you addressed them?

· Parents with Minor Children – the #1 reason you need a plan is the guardianship of your minor children.

· Adults in Transition – if you no longer have minor children, have a change in marital status, or are contemplating retirement, this workshop will provide you with vital information for your plan.

· Senior Adults – Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney – do you have them and are they up to date?

No registration required. Private appointments available on November 3 & 4. Call the Church Office for more information at (480) 981-0802.

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