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Women’s Ministries at Broadway

New Adventures in Sisterhood

Women’s Ministries at Broadway seek to bring together women, in all seasons of life, to encourage spiritual maturity and godly service.

A range of activities, events, studies and meeting times give you the chance to connect meaningfully with other women and better understand God’s Word and purpose for your life. Our goal (through community, Bible study, activities and service to one another and those around us) is not only to be knowledgeable about the Bible, but to be transformed women who are growing in their faith and who are bringing the good news of the Gospel to our families and community.

Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

January 14 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Women’s Bible Study

January 14 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Upcoming Event

Ongoing Activities

Ladies Crafts & Games

We get together on the fourth Thursday of every month just to have fun crafting and playing games. We meet in the South Lobby Classroom from 12:30pm-6pm. 

CRAFTS: 12:30pm-2:30pm

Bring your current work-in-progress and a snack to share, too, if you’d like. There is no cost or sign-up…just a desire for great fellowship with others. Bring friends, and kids working on crafts are welcome to come with their adult. Childcare available.

GAMES: 2:30pm-5:30pm

Bring your favorite game, or just come and join in on games others have brought. You may also bring a snack to share, if you like! Childcare available.

Our Outreach

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Several ladies from Broadway Women’s Ministries recently toured the Dream Center in Phoenix. An old Embassy Suites Hotel is gradually being remodeled and refurbished to make a home for girls rescued from human trafficking.
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Tour guide, Michelle, showed the room that was furnished with the money donated by women at Broadway. She explained that the punching bag (on the right) is purposely placed for the girls to use when they need to release their anger.
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The room has two twin beds for two girls to share the room.
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The room is actually like an apartment with a kitchenette.
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And here is the living room.
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The rooms carry names rather than numbers. Michelle explained that room numbers can frighten the girls as they are associated with hotel room numbers where the girls have spent their lives being used and abused.
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dream center 1
Several ladies from Broadway Women’s Ministries recently toured the Dream Center in Phoenix. An old Embassy Suites Hotel is gradually being remodeled and refurbished to make a home for girls rescued from human trafficking.
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Tour guide, Michelle, showed the room that was furnished with the money donated by women at Broadway.
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The room has two twin beds for two girls to share the room.
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The room is actually like an apartment with a kitchenette.
dream center 1
And here is the living room.
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The rooms carry names rather than numbers. Michelle explained that room numbers can frighten the girls as they are associated with hotel room numbers where the girls have spent their lives being used and abused.
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