Volunteering is about working together to follow Jesus’ example.
When we invite God to use our unique experiences and abilities, it’s a blessing to all involved. We agree with Psalm 84:10, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”
Prayerfully look over these opportunities and see how you can use your God-given potential with BCC!
Current Featured Opportunities:

NHCC Volunteers
New Hope Community Center
• Help clients select food.
• Take carts out and load food into clients’ cars.
• Drive to 4 stores daily, load grocery rescue food and return to NHCC to put the food onto carts and into coolers or freezers. This position has 2 helpers with them.
• Help add data to the system. Good people skills, ability to work well with the public, and
computer literacy required.
Classic Choir
This is a volunteer group open to all singers regardless of skill or age. We start each rehearsal by sharing our joys, sorrows, concerns, and prayer requests. We share in the joy of singing and support all that join us. We rehearse once a week on Wednesdays from 5pm to 6pm. The choir performs during the opening worship by providing musical support for congregational songs as well as performing songs featuring the choir throughout the year.
For further information please contact:
Rod Larkins
(480) 415-3699
Info Kiosk
Info Kiosk (Modern)
• Be familiar with and comfortable navigating bccmesa.com.
• Stay in place through the entire service.
• Help with signups for ministries and events.
• Be available for guests’ questions and assist as needed.
• Be familiar with campus map and ministry locations.
• Assist late-comers as needed.
K.I.D. Team Mentor
Awesome Wednesday night programming for kids happens on Wednesdays, but we need YOU to help make it happen! K.I.D. Team has in-depth discipleship for kids in grades 4-6, plus lessons, games, and activities for kids ages 4 months to 3rd grade. We’re looking for Christian adult mentors for K.I.D. Team, but there are lots of other volunteer positions available too!
Volunteer on Sundays
Multiple roles available:
- Nursery & Preschool (Ages 4 months-5 Years)
- Elementary (K-6th Grade)
- KID Team (Wednesday evenings)
- Childcare for campus events
Male & Female Leaders for Jr High & High School student ministries
Vocalists & Musicians for both of our service styles
Production Team is all about using technology to create an atmosphere of worship. We’d love to have you on our team on sound, lights, ProPresenter, or livestream cameras. Experience is a plus, but not necessary. We’ll train you. We’d love to have you on the Production Team!
Positions for both service styles:
- Sound
- Lights
- Computer (Propresenter)
- Livestream Cameras/Sound
Provides prayer, support and direction for those who make decisions during church services.
Provides transportation to and from the 9am Classic service.
Other Opportunities
This is a simple job with a big impact! Greet visitors to our church office and answer phone calls. No experience necessary; we will train you.
Opportunities available Mon-Wed – 8am-12pm & 12pm-4pm
(Spots are currently filled, but you can sign up to be an alternate.)
Food Prep, Serving & Clean Up for many events:
- Men’s Breakfast
- Oasis Lunch
- Midweek Dinner
- Funeral Lunches
Childcare for various weekday and special events.
Help with general church cleaning, grounds keeping or building maintenance.
Helps get communion cups/trays filled and cleaned up.
People who want to disciple either new believers or those who desire to go deeper with their walk with Christ.
Trains and mentors couples preparing for marriage and also offers marriage mentoring.
Lead a Grief Share group – helping those who have lost a loved one.
It’s easy work, with no heavy lifting. If you’re friendly, outgoing, and want to spread the love of Jesus, you’ll love working with us! Serve one morning per week (Mon, Tues, or Wed) for 4 hours. To sign up, click the button and fill out the Volunteer Form. Contact: Mark Azersky at mazersky@bccmesa.com.
- Registration
- Resource Distribution
- Truck Drivers
- Interviews
- Bike Repair
- Maintenance
- Management