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Everyone’s invited to the Garden Party featuring Frugal Fashion Show and a donation drive for Phoenix Dream Center!

Get inspired by our models’ thrifted styles for men, women, and kids during the Frugal Fashion Show.

Phoenix Dream Center helps girls recover from human trafficking abuse. We can support them with monetary contributions or by donating the following items:

Shower gel, Shampoo, Hair conditioner, Deodorant, Shaving cream, Disposable razors, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Mouthwash, Feminine hygiene products, Hand/Body lotion, Hand sanitizer, Sunscreen (body/lip), Lip balm, Nail polish (& remover), Make-up (& remover), Nail & toe clippers

It’s all happening on Saturday, July 15th from 1-3pm in the Family Life Center.

Cost is $10. Be sure to register by July 12th.




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